Booking enquiries can be made using the form below or simply give us a call on 01225 442 700 to discuss your requirements and check availability. The calandra is showing available dates up to 6 moths from current date.

Usually you should receive our reply within few days but if your booking is urgent please simply give us a call to book. Your booking will not be confirmed until the deposit is paid in full.

**Please note this is not a booking confirmation and we will be in touch to confirm your appointment or offer an alternative session.**

**Please check your junk email in case our reply ended up there!**

Calendar is loading...
Partially booked

First Name*:

Last Name*:


Numbers of Adult Painter*:

Number of Child Painter*:

Number of Student Painter (with student ID)*:

Time Slots*:

Duration time*:



Please note that Crockadoodledo do not take responsibility for any breakages during transit, though we will do our absolute best to ensure it is well packaged to minimise any risk.

Studio fee is required upon booking as nonrefundable deposit (£5 per adult and £4 per child/student)*:
 Yes I understand once studio fee is paid it is not refundable
